by IanHatton | Jan 19, 2020 | Connection, Courage, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Listening, Love, Totally-Ian-Blog
A few months ago, I went on my first ever official Soul Journey. Organised and lead by my business mentors, Mike and Landi, it was a glorious 8 days of travelling through Scotland. So inspirational that I would love to return for an 8 week trip! I don’t think...
by IanHatton | Dec 27, 2018 | Compassion, Connection, Courage, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Love, Totally-Ian-Blog
This is the journey of the ego. The transition from the big “I” to the small “i”. This bit is so hard to explain and yet so vital to understand. I believe you have, we all have, a deep inner true self. And, your truest self is magnificent. I...
by IanHatton | Jun 30, 2018 | Compassion, Connection, Courage, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Totally-Ian-Blog
Melissa (excitedly): “Ian, you are becoming comfortable with discomfort!” Ian: “What does that mean? Why does it excite you? And how could that be a good thing?” The lie about comfort One of the biggest lies we have been sold is that the goal of life is to be happy....
by IanHatton | Jan 31, 2018 | Connection, Courage, Leadership, Life, Listening, Totally-Ian-Blog
Is a virtual leader the opposite of a real leader? Or is virtual leadership about real leadership, in real relationships, with real people, who they really lead and influence? Ian and futurist Charlotte Kemp ( discuss how to lead in an...
by IanHatton | Jan 17, 2018 | Compassion, Connection, Courage, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Listening, Totally-Ian-Blog
Today I appreciate the mirror of others and self. Last night was the first PSA Cape meeting for the year. I realised before I went that I wasn’t really looking forward to it. It’s possibly about my current discomfort with my size. I was about to write:...
by IanHatton | Sep 12, 2017 | Compassion, Connection, Courage, Laughter, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Listening, Love, Totally-Ian-Blog
I appreciate the journey. I have too often rushed to destinations. Especially on holiday. Get there as fast as possible. Stressed. Irritable. Even more in need of a rest. Taking days to unwind. Of course I had heard of people who make the trip part of the vacation. It...